Babu and the Parrot

Hey, lisn Evrybady!
So listen to my message, I speak in verses, and I can
I'm Zigi, or the Phantom, which is a bomb
I am a street king, I am an atom of this wing.
I'm Zig, aaaa
Zigi Phantom, ah ... "
Zigi is a rapper. He walks through the night streets and comments on what he sees in his own style. And that is not everything: just now, a ninja with a parrot passed by! And after a while a little girl appeared; she should be already sleeping. What happened to her so bad that she was not lying in her bed? Zigi decides to find out...
A modern and really entertaining detective story – in a fairytale mood and in a hip hop rhythm – describes a girl who searches for her stolen parrot. To overcome the baddest bad guy you can imagine, little Babu's unusual trio of fairytale heroes help her in a peculiar city variation: a sensible verse rapper, a skillful homeless man and a crazy jogger, or persistent runner.
The author's production – in a mostly stylized drama – was prepared by a team led by Petr Vodička. This young award-winning director and author has performed in the Naive Theatre for the fourth time. His production of Tristan and Isolda, which he debuted in the Naive Theatre years ago, received many awards at Czech festivals.
Festival SKUPOVA PLZEŇ 2012 – Prize for script (Petr Vodička) and Prize for set-design (Robert Smolík).
Technical requirements:
Stage: width 6 m, depth 8 m, height 3,5 m
Input power: 380/220 V, protection: 16/32 A
Author of Photos: Josef Ptáček