Band on a Roll

There are mice that we don’t mind picking up – computer ones. And if you “have a handle”, it means you’re lucky. As long as you’re not pulling on a locked door, that is.
Czech is a beautiful language, and even more so, a mysterious one. Among the most beautiful mysteries are homonyms. A collage full of songs, puppet sketches, microstories and word plays, created by the writing and directing duo Vítek Peřina and Michaela Homolová. This production follows on from their previous award-winning plays on the Czech language – Alphabet Soup or A Child’s Encylopaedia and Roast Pigeons or Sayings.
“The actors are relaxed, with infectious sparks of understanding jumping between them – and, of course, into the audience. The happy, hour-long stroll through fairy tales, the charms of the Czech language and well-performed, clever songs gradually draws to an end… The excited children with their faces lit up, mostly aged between 5 and 10, naturally increase the audience experience. As with Adámek’s Euphonies in the Divadlo Minor, in Liberec I also had the feeling that if intelligent theatre is being created that makes the very youngest glow with happiness, then our tired European civilisation might not be too badly off after all."
—Jan Kerbr, Divadelní noviny
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Input power: 380/220 V, protection: 16/32 A