How Kuba used to go to Markyta

Renewned premiere of the legendary one-woman show for the youngest children, How Kuba Used to Go to Markyta, offered a unique opportunity for the second member of our ladies’ green-room; Zuzana Schmidová was replaced by Markéta Sýkorová, who in her own style performs with a help of several puppets funny deeds of silly Kuba. He is trying to act as his mother advises him but he always mixes things up. Kuba is about to marry Markyta, he is to bring her a present but he misunderstands his mother’s advice and he makes a mistake. This way the chain of advice and their pointless fulfillment begins which is funny for the children because every little child is smarter than our silly Kuba.
The success of the production lies not only in the grateful story and acting charm but also in the intentionally plain staging conception. The audience from most of the European countries, also Canada or India has admired the little lovely marionettes from non-dyed wood with which the actress plays at a folding table.
International festival LUTFEST Sarajevo – The Award for acting of Markéta Sýkorová
It's played in the Naive Theatre Studio with a limited number of seats.
Technical requirements:
Stage: width 3 m, depth 3 m, height 3 m
Input power: 380/220 V, protection: 16/32 A
Author of Photos: Josef Ptáček