“At the beginning, the Garden is colorless and empty. A sad, lonely and bored Sun is floating above it. And then the magic starts. There are colors and stars and chickens, and also compassion and trust and love. At the end, the garden is full of life and color," Daniela Fischerová characterizes her Rainbow Fairy Tales.
And that is why this award-winning book, from the pen of one of the most respected Czech children's authors, has become the initial inspiration for Filip Homola's production (he directed in the Naive Theatre Liberec, for example, There Are Places Favoured by Darkness Where Never and Nothing on Remote Islands Is Hidden).
YELLOW – BLUE – GREEN is a scenic collage of several stories in which the sun is the main character. The connection of beautiful words, artwork and ambient music creates a theatrical experience suitable for children from the age of three.
Author of Photos: Radek Petrášek