There are places favoured by darkness...

Paradise is an island. And hell too.
An experimental production is based on the motives of the book by a German author Judith Schalansky, Atlas of Remote Islands which was named the Most Beautiful German Book of 2009. The author takes her readers in the book to fifty islands, scattered in all world oceans. Each of them brings a short story connected to the place that is based on traditional myths or on a specific, often a historic event. The scenic installation, inspired by a few of the islands, is dominated by a large wooden table – the island, around which the audience is sitting during the performance and where the entire production takes place within reach of their hands. Music for the production is composed by one of the most awarded formation of the Czech ambient, Kora et le Mechanix. CD with the complete scenic music is a part of the programme to the production.
It's played in the Naive Theatre Studio with a limited number of seats.
Technical requirements:
Input power: 380/220 V, protection: 16/32 A